Wednesday, March 21, 2012


One thing that tells me I need to write new posts is when my internet browser no longer shows my blog address automatically when I type in the first 2 letters.

Which brings me to this post. (Ok maybe not the only reason)

Into my 3rd week of working now, and a sudden realisation one day in office that it has been MARCH!!! and that school starts in September. While this may not sound like a long time, let me break down the 5 1/2 months and perhaps this can explain why:

September: Start of uni
August: Sent over to the uni by the scholarship board for us to get used to the life there
Mid-June to July: Pre-departure courses, training programmes, prize presentation etc.
Mid-May-mid June: Perhaps a trip to visit my grandparents?
March-April: Working at PwC

And alas, I am only left with one month++ to do whatever I want. As one of my seniors promptly puts it:"The next time we are getting a 8-month long holiday is perhaps when we retire."

And here I am, with a long list of things which I want to realise (but somehow always fail to), many aspirations to fulfill, and desperate to catch what remains of my "8-months" holiday.

The past 3 1/2 months were filled with ups and downs, and though I have not done much (most of the time was spent wasting my life away at home), it seemed that I never really had a break as well.

My last A-level paper was finished on the 29th of November, and from then on it has been a never-ending list of scholarship applications/uni applications/uni interviews/scholarship interviews/scholarship talks/more scholarship applications/more scholarship interviews/more uni interviews...the list goes on. In between the many interviews, the greatest achievement that I've had was probably to finish off 3 online novels, 2 dramas and read one of the most highly critised blogs in Singapore (not that we have many to begin with). Oh yes, and maybe chomped off a few books on economics/politics/philosophy in the process.
(To be continued)

Monday, February 6, 2012



The multi-coloured wanzi are made from vegetable juice hehe^^ washed my juice extracter at least 3 times cos I didn't want the colours to mix.

Mum loved it though--which is all that I need. :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pineapple Tarts

I finally finished baking all the pineapple tarts yesterday! :D

before they go into the oven

finished product!

I'm not sure whether this will be the last year I can stay at home and celebrate CNY with my parents, so even though baking is a really tedious job I still have to do it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012



Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thin crispy biscuits

Ok I "plagarised" the photos and recipes from ziyumama's blog. But you can see the website on the photo right? I referenced too! So I did not plagarise to be exact because I did not claim it as my own work.

Enough blabbering.

Anyway, I made these thin crispy biscuits according to the recipe that I found online and they are VERY nice! And by the time I realised that I need to take a photo to put onto this blog there were only 4 pieces left. And the photos were very ugly. BUT BUT they look the same as the ones in the photo above so oh well I guess I did a good job.

These biscuits are seriously the easiest to make. But one of the tastiest.


Ok if you know me well you should know that I'm a 东北人! And to be a true blue 东北人 one must eat 干豆腐!