I think I don't really like Taylor Swift's songs. It sounds very raw. hmm.
anyway, went to volleyball finals yesterday. partly because in my four years I have NEVER went to a competition and I want to at least watch one this year. also because I have to do the reporting.
yeah. and as it always is for nanyang, we have so few supporters. Like, hullo? this is national finals?? but then ngee ann's like got twice our number. and they got all those long inflated things where you bang bang together and make plenty of noise? yeah. you know what we did?
by the end of the 1st set, One pail has a hole under it.
by the end of the 2nd set, another pail has a HUGE long crack on the bottom as well.
and yeah cos it seems like nanyang is sure going to win liao ngee ann sort of gave up. and their supporters were like stoning there. so nanyang decided to be kind to the last pail and so the last pail was saved.