Friday, October 15, 2010






today was so fun. ahem ahem not the fos part though.

I tried alot of things that I wouldnt have dared to try before. but thinking about graduating next year and I felt that I should just do something on impulse once and not always be that good student.

anyway, that's beside the point.

went to k-box with ahma and nana. it was so fun! :D I spent 2 hours watching ah ma eat her extremely large set of breakfast, then nana eating her lunch set meal. then we went to k and sang some songs. apparently the two ahmas are not on good terms with wu-yue-tian, the convo went like this:

me:" what's this _(name of song)_ har?"
nana: "mayday song."
me:" orh. I dont know how to sing, maybe i heard the chorus but that's all." (push mike to ahma)
ahma: (push back to me, flash her signature bright smile).
nana: ......

------more singing and then:
me:" what's this __(name of song)__ har?"
nana: "mayday song."
me:" orh. I dont know how to sing, maybe i heard the chorus but that's all." (push mike to ahma)
ahma: (push back to me, flash her signature bright smile).

and it went on like this until it becaue default setting that nana shall just take over all the mayday songs.

then we tried this 天下无双, theme song for 神雕侠侣, and suddenly the light went off and the eerie "ah~~~" came out from the speaker. that was VERY nice.

haha i think this is the first time I actually enjoyed singing k-box. and muack muack ahma for paying for me! it was a nice bdae present i shall buy you a cat next year hahaha~~~

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So my 2 days of sabbaticals just ended like this. It's probably the last sabbaticals in my pre-university life (god hopes that im not repeating this next year, if you get what I mean), and while I was stoning at night it makes me remember those days in Nanyang when we attended sabbaticals ever so often.

Well I had balloon sculpting yesterday, it was pretty cool and I was screaming (silently) during the beginning as I twisted the balloons. All this while while feiya expertly assembled hers in a matter of seconds based on the diagram alone. T.T life is not fair there are some people out there who are just better than others. Just like how I cannot do sports and stuff like this. Overall it was a good experience, I hadnt expect myself to enjoy this so much.

Today was clay target shooting!!! (much anticipated). I got a slight shock when I saw the shotgun cos it looked like those hunting ones shown in British films set during the Victorian Age. But it was really really cool when I shot and the gun had the recoil. (According to the instructor it's stronger than M-16). Actually, the first thought that I had when I saw experienced that recoil was, "How much force is produced by the gun on the shoulder?" with the physics diagram and all. haha I guess I'm still suffering from post-promos syndrome.

There's a lot more that I want to say, but find it hard to pen (urm, type) down those thoughts. Cos I was thinking about the flying and the training and stuff. nvm.
Cont'd from the previous post:

After reading alittle bit more about the story I kind of liked it. Cos this person (who stole my name) is this genius who got rid of 20 trained assassins that tried to take his (yeah he's a guy gosh) life. And apparently he is only 7 years old. yepp.

he can cook too^^ I like guys who can cook

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm reading some random online story and I realised that they have plagarised my name!!!!! my name has been 华丽丽地盗用了……. go and die lah use my name! humph~