Monday, January 25, 2010

In yet another one of my 冲动s, I decided to learn to play "A Thousand Miles" on the piano. and hopefully I can master the art of playing and singing at the same time. It's just it turns out that the song has quite a weird tempo for a 4/4. yeah. I always thought that it's 7/8 or something.

Saturday, January 23, 2010





其实我去之前还是很紧张的。毕竟我都没有去过锐鹰的meeting,(因为没有check blog的习惯,都不知道什么时候应该去>.<) 最多去了gathering而已。可是大家对我都很好噢! 让我这个都已经上初院的人突然觉得自己还是蛮小的,还需要别人照顾哈哈。


嗯。but this is not the whole story.

我还买了DeathNote整套的漫画!!! 虽然可能有点过时,不过这毕竟是我中二时的梦想。还有我可是思考了整整两个多月才鼓起勇气去买的欸!荷包大出血啊。不过太开心了,所以就蹦蹦跳跳去了报馆啊!然后就一直呆到7点才回家。

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My all-time favourite

After one year of American pop/random bubblegum songs on Youtube/Random Chinese songs, I am proud to say that I have finally found my true love--Classical Piano.

2:06 - Scherzo No. 2 Op. 31, in B-flat minor
11:56 - Andante Spianato preceding the..
16:28 - Grande Polonaise Brillante in E-flat major, Op. 22

25:17 - (applause)

Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
28:47 - I: Allegro maestoso
49:15 - II: Romance, Larghetto
59:07 - III: Rondo, Vivace

1:08:41 (closing applause)

lala~~the first post in 2010

Yesterday I went to NTUC with my dad to buy (I forgot what) and my dad wandered off and I wandered off too, like I always do. Then I remembered that I'm supposed to take pork ribs so I went to take 2 packets of pork ribs. And when I came back, I found out that my basket was stolen!!! Some weirdo took out the stuff in my basket and put it on the nearby shelf, then took my basket and went off. I mean, people actually steal NTUC baskets IN NTUC??? I mean, come on, if they want to steal go steal trolleys mah!!! at least can get 1 dollar right!!! why do they have to steal my NTUC basket?????? and as you know, the AMK HUB NTUC is very big, so I have to walk from one end of the supermarket to the other near the entrance to take a new one, at the same time carrying pork ribs and some random stuff. If I ever catch that person who stole my basket I'm going to kick his butt. Humph.

and this is why my first post in 2010 is about a stolen NTUC basket in NTUC. lol.