Saturday, January 9, 2010

lala~~the first post in 2010

Yesterday I went to NTUC with my dad to buy (I forgot what) and my dad wandered off and I wandered off too, like I always do. Then I remembered that I'm supposed to take pork ribs so I went to take 2 packets of pork ribs. And when I came back, I found out that my basket was stolen!!! Some weirdo took out the stuff in my basket and put it on the nearby shelf, then took my basket and went off. I mean, people actually steal NTUC baskets IN NTUC??? I mean, come on, if they want to steal go steal trolleys mah!!! at least can get 1 dollar right!!! why do they have to steal my NTUC basket?????? and as you know, the AMK HUB NTUC is very big, so I have to walk from one end of the supermarket to the other near the entrance to take a new one, at the same time carrying pork ribs and some random stuff. If I ever catch that person who stole my basket I'm going to kick his butt. Humph.

and this is why my first post in 2010 is about a stolen NTUC basket in NTUC. lol.

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