Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I hope that I can lose all my fats this time.

Agendas for the week (s):

GP test

CSC test

CLL lecture test

Physics lecture test

CLL lecture test (again)

**the above activities are not inclusive of extra CLL enrichment programmes/CSC enrichment programmes/CLL activities/CLL prize presentation and many many more.

well since I have to take all these tests, I might as well take this opportunity and lose some weight muahahaha.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I realised that my previous posts have all been too emo. and so I shall revamp my image today ;)

anyways, I've been in a very excited state recently, like electrons that received too much light and from jumped up right to 7p orbital from 3p, haha. I recently discovered that I would be like this whenever I'm planning something evil (yeah yeah im a evil girl), like making all the guys in my class wear sarungs. Maybe it's in my genes that I like to this kind of saikang (mind you, this kind only. I do not accept other kinds of free labour). I dont mind running all around little india on a tiring tuesday afternoon, or walking all around AMK just to buy the cheapest cosmetics so that my dear CCA can save more money.

as of now, Im trying to think what to get for teachers' day. so far we've more or less settled most of the presents for mr lee, mr ng, and mrs tham. (I love RTFQ!!!XD)


and oh yeah I was thinking on another day that I should continue writing our online novel, 203号女生宿舍。sometimes I think that if we had done it in sec 1 tong and I might be able to contimue writing to the end, but so many things have happened and we are still at a miserable chpt 1. I've got many new ideas that suit the novel thanks to my dear class who makes me laugh everyday. ^^

Saturday, August 21, 2010



阿嬷(是偶啦,不要把偶跟另一个阿嬷搞混啊):我的Artemis pullover 一直掉毛leh...

CT session. briefing about SL project.

同学甲:what happened just now??
同学乙:talk about promos. very important.
同学甲:really? (turns to 金鱼)about what?

econs lecture.

同学甲 gain falling asleep.
同学乙drawing one big circle on 同学甲's econ lecture notes, put asterik, and wrote "very important".
同学甲woke up. -->sees notes-->!?!?!?!?!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Mr Lee: you know, matches and satay sticks are really the same thing. All right, match is a wood, and satay stick may be a W--O--O--D!!!!!! but really, they are about the same la.

Mr Lee: (addressing to a LT full of blur students in a WEP lecture) what is higher than the Mount Everest?


Mr Lee: (in monotone) the tree on top of the Mount Everest.

students: zz...!?!?!?!?

I really love my CT. he's like really nice and all. plus he gives us a lot of soft toys haha^^


As much as I want to be cool and appreciate what I have now, I couldnt help but to feel a sting of pain whenever I remember those days in choir, or when I see rioHC performing, singing, laughing and appearing on TV together. sometimes I wondered if that's the reason why I often refrain from speaking too much to "niu niu"; perhaps he reminds me too much of the things that I have lost and given up when I stepped out from M301 last year and never turned back again. For the past 8 months I have chosen not to remember, not to hear anything, and basically not talking much about my past CCA--a CCA that I have loved a lot.
there are times when I ask myself what is the reason that made me leave choir; I tell people that I want a new change, and that's the same reason that I gave myself when I painfully tore myself away from all those memories and remembrances. Deep in my heart I suppose that I love it alot; definitely more than I love LEP or ICS; after all, it has been my second home for four years and I have spent more time laughing and crying in it than in classrooms. The past four years were not a very happy one for me; I chose to become a introvert for no reason and hid my real self in my shell throughout my entire secondary school term. I think people who have no dedication towards their CCA in nanyang cannot understand what I'm feeling, to them CCA is just a place to earn points and nothing more than a reflection in testimonial. you cannot expect return when you did not put in effort in the first place.
Rational thinking and logic have told me that my choice had been a correct one; I have attained most if not all my goals that I set in the beginning of the year. (except the grades part).
I want LEP--I got it.
open up more to people and make lots of friends--check.
contribute more to class--check.
have a fun cca--check.
ct rep--failed.
lep council--failed.
(one pres for cca is enough to make up for the above)
ocip cambodia--failed. (I'm pinning all hopes on Nanjing)

and above all, I got a bunch of buddies who care for me. I know that they truely wished me well and are the ones who really felt happy for me when I told them about my cca post. I can see from their eyes that they felt really sorry for me that I failed two elections in a row; and they are the ones who really congratulated me later on. Perhaps it's due to the lack of conflict of interest, but no one else's in my cca (except tong and ah ma), and the typical reaction is: portfolio and the like. I have expected the friendships to be beyond that...
I'm really looking forward to Nanjing trip. There are times when I see my friends and I feel this chasm between us growing wider and wider and I cant do anything. It's like a waltz gone all wrong; we takes turns to step but they are uncoordinated and we either end up bumping into each other or move away totally. Im pinning my hopes on the trip to bring back all that affections.

Saturday, August 14, 2010



京城来的金鱼(以下简称“京”鱼):Ask you arh, what is the things that is greater than God, worse than evil, and if you eat it you die?

froggie: ……


All: har?...suddenly reach epiphany...orh!!!...chey!?!

Friday morning and all the flag bearers are missing. As a result, there is not flag being raised while the national anthem was played. Man, this is probably the first time in my life. Oh wait. It IS the first time. haha.

After flag raising, as we were walking through central plaza:
Me: Nana, you know, there was no flag this morning?
Nana: (looking at the poles) got!!! see there're flags there.
Me: ...they raised it after wards.

...more to be come, but 阿嬷is too tired today, and i cant type anymore.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Racial Harmony Day, Zaobao, and EMB

I was wondering yesterday why Wen Cong would read Zaobao and get a snapshot of that small little piece of article I wrote about RHD. I mean, the article was so tiny I could barely see it when I flipped the paper through today.

Then, on the bus, I was wondering how chaoyong knows that I wrote a small little piece of article and got it published on Zaobao. (He was very nice about it though, thank you^^)

And just now (like, 10 seconds earlier), I was diligently reading everyone of those 38 unread msg on EMB and I FINALLY REALISED WHY!!!!!!

cos they put the article on EMB! but that's not the point.

they put my name (in bold) AND CLASS as well.

like, yeah I know they can just directly translate my name into Hanyu Pinyin and it'll sound the name, but how on earth did they 'kope' my class out? this is very very scary. I wrote something and the next thing I know, EVERY OTHER person knows that it was published in zaobao except me. it was kaien who tagged wen cong's photo who saw it on EMB and posted it on facebook.


ok, im digressing away from my main point, as always. the truth is, i dont really mind my name and class appearing on EMB, but I'm super embarrassed this time because my article is very. very. VERY VERY short. the editors cut the entire chunk out and those printed on EMB is like my first 2 paragraphs. THE SUMMARISED version of my first 2 paragraphs.

and great, now everyone is gonna think that Lingxuan's chinese is so bad; she can only write 2 simple, dry paragraphs.

anyway, in case anyone wants to read, here's the original article :



照片:最佳传统服装奖—10S67班 班级合照 (由华侨中学(高中部)提供)
It's not great, I know.