Sunday, December 21, 2008

I found someone in Nanyang who has also applied for PPL at YFC!!! woohoo!!! if we both get in it'll be so cool I think.

Of course if Xin Hui can get in as well it will be even better.

anyway, today is Sunday. according to the YFC ppl, if I dont get a card from YFC by this week, it meant that I have got in. right, let's say if they sent it on saturday. so if by tuesday I still still dont get that damned letter, I will be joining YFC!!!! yipppeeeee!!!!

one step closer to becoming a pilot. =)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

lame but funny

I saw this on Robin's blog. it's kinda lame but funny it when you are bored ;)

Complete the following blanks. (I recommend you write it down, cos its kinda hard to keep looking down for the no. and looking up again for the passage)

How to do:
Dear (any one who commented):I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___. I think I realized it ___2___ ___3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I'm sure you're ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep ___9___ as a memory. You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___ .___12___,-Your name-

What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I'll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn't match
Grey - You're a pervert
Yellow - I'm selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You're a loser
Other - I'm in love with your sister

Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes

Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kabob - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women's clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife

What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out

What's the color of your underwear?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - The crazy monk (this is no one's business =.=)

What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - Man O.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scarred
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed

Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I've felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn't exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we're cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this.
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I'm open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks

What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your memories from the military service

The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David's tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college

The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Always will remember
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked

What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics

To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - F*** off now
France - In pain
Other - Greetings to your freaky family

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I've been slacking for the past few days and here's an update.

on 13th Dec I went for the joyride at Singapore Youth Flying Club, or SYFC to be short. To let us feel what it's like to fly I think. If I can get in then of course I would be able to do that in months time.


unfortunately no camera is allowed on the plane, so I took the pics from the website.
the plane that they used is warrior II, similar to the one in the pic, just that the colour is different. Yellow and blue.

The pilot who took us for the ride is actually in the air force flying F16 now. So cool right!!!

and so we took off, and we saw the straits of johor. but apparently you cant just fly to malaysia like that;) and we turned and i think we flew over khatib, and then the pilot pointed to us where the two military air base are. one of them is in sembawang.

after that we just flew about. the pilot wanted to take us to sentosa to see what it's like looking from the air, but then there's a shower and due to safety reasons we were restrained to flying in the small area which is about 1/5 the size of Singapore. and I think we flew over Yishun, and Tong I think I flew over your house. haha. cos I spotted the MRT track near the reservoir.

The plane being very small is unable to perform stunts, and so the pilot demostrated a very VERY tight turn up in the air, which is basically tilt the plane to a very slanted angle, and then TURN!!!! it's very cool!!! (though afterwards my stomach is kind of uncomfortable, but I think its due to the heat in the plane, and yes, its very hot there). according to him, the plane can only go about 2++ G force *(2 times the force of gravity), so we felt a bit of pressure and I was pinned to my seat. but with F16 being able to go up to 9G, I dont think the pilot felt anything.

only up in the air then you'll feel how small singapore is. we flew for about 30min and there's already nothing left to see. so we did another tight turn at a lower altitude, cos the plane is able to function better lower and thus the force is greater. so after flying to 4000 feet at a speed of 80-100 knots, we touched the ground. it's a really REALLY good experience (ok, I slept throught the other half of the day cos my stomach is not very comfortable. motion sickness i think.) but it'll be so cool if i can fly the plane myself someday. =)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

and oh yeah. i'm going for joyride tomorrow. which means flying in a plane. hehe.
Yay!!! finished my two zaobao essays finally. I think I wrote twice as much, about 4000-5000 words I think. 3 1/2 hours in the library. and my fingers hurt.

and then have to edit. omg. i can never look at the essays I wrote, cos its like very gross. yuck.

and then I have a mountain of homework all left UNDONE, due to extreme slacking. I only finished what? chem worksheet?

and I didnt sleep for the whole night, cos I dunno? gastric problem. and so i drowned myself in coffee today. woo!! got up at 7.30 to cook breakfast ^O^. earliest so far

cannot slack anymore!!!!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

this photo is taken in graz, before we went for our finals. (or is it after?)
I had this sudden chong dong to post pictures =)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Woooo!!!!! just realised that maomao's blog got a lot of nice photos!!! AND her blog has the ability to show WORDS AND PHOTOS in the same post..... go and see!!!! (got me inside haha i'm becoming more ego)

anyway, I passed my PPL interview!!!! so i'm going for med checkup tomorrow, and if I can pass that as well, I'll be on my way to becoming a pilot!!! muahahahaha.... (ok, in case you dont know, I'm NOT going to be in the Air Force or Singapore Airlines dear, so you'll still see me in Nanyang mugging homework....haiz)

wish me good luck. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


报道/林仁余 摄影/庄程毅(联合学生摄影队)   

一个国家的首都城市应该是什么样子?对15岁的符玮婷来说,应 该是个挤满高楼大厦的大城市,可是当她来到澳洲首都坎贝拉时,见 到的城市景象却让她意外,到处是空旷空间,不远处有山脉作为背景,住宅区的房舍好多都隐身在树木之间,很有生活在大自然中的感觉 。第一次到澳洲的卢子斌(16岁)也觉得,坎贝拉的城容很有规划, "作为一个首都城市,景观的确很独特。"   

符玮婷和卢子斌是"爆米花游学之旅@悉尼坎贝拉"的团员,这是他们首次的澳洲旅游经验。这趟游学之旅由《爆米花》、澳洲旅游 局、坎贝拉旅游局及新南威尔斯旅游局联办,来自不同学校的19名中 三、中四学生,在之前举行的华文专题作业比赛中赢得了"游学奖" ,在11月7日至15日,到坎贝拉及悉尼游学参观。   

游学之旅团员包括:德明政府中学的林杏贤和邓晓舟;华侨中学 的蔡旺志、俞正航、傅子祥、洪子劲、温承易;裕廊中学的卢子斌和 邓诚熙;南洋女中的宋凌暄和江兰馨;义安中学的杨欣怡和麦文薏; 国大附中的成瑜晗、毛佳、廖彗伻和黄佳怡;思励中学的陈慧慧和符玮婷。领队是早报副刊《现在》执行级编辑林仁余。   

游学之旅分别从澳洲的政治体制、文化、科学、艺术、环境生态 各个方面,向团员介绍坎贝拉及悉尼。除了参观之外,旅程也着重交 流及亲身体验,让学生有更立体的学习经验。


在坎贝拉旧国会大厦,团员有机会坐在曾经是政府内阁及国会议 员辩论国事的国会议堂,还扮演国会议长及总督,通过戏剧方式,了 解澳洲国会的历史。参观澳洲战争纪念馆时,因为隔天是第一次世界大战结束的90周年纪念,很难得地在馆外遇上纪念典礼的彩排,肃穆气氛及哀伤的号角声,为馆内的战争记忆增添了一层感性。   

团员宋凌暄就特别喜欢比里格埃(Birrigai)户外教育中心。她说,住在野外,周围是大片大片的平原,周围没有其他房子,早上起 来,袋鼠就在中心周围跳来跳去,这和新加坡到处是高楼、到处是汽车的环境很不一样。   

结束坎贝拉四天的旅程后,团员们乘内陆飞机飞到悉尼,展开五 天充实的旅程。在这个澳洲最大最热闹的城市里,学生除了参观各个 景点,还乘坐由澳洲原住民经营的游船,漫游悉尼海港,一方面从水上欣赏悉尼歌剧院、悉尼大桥及高楼林立的悉尼市中心的美丽景致, 另一方面聆听原住民文化的介绍。 网上资料全真实显现   国大附中的廖彗伻和黄佳怡参加比赛的华文专题作业,是以悉尼 郊外蓝山(Blue Mountains)的紫罗兰山洞(Jenolan Caves)为题材,所以蓝山之游对她们来说特别亲切。   

团员在这里乘坐缆车,从高空欣赏蓝山壮观的景色,也随着护林 员在夜晚走入野林中寻找荧光虫(Glow Worms),第二天又到紫罗兰 山洞,亲身体验洞穴探险。廖彗伻说:"之前我们是从互联网上收集 紫罗兰山洞的资料及照片,现在亲身站在洞穴里面,资料上的一切全 真实显现了!"   

在进入野林寻找荧光虫之前,团员还有机会体验澳洲人最喜欢的 消闲方式——在公园里BBQ,自己动手准备晚餐。德明政府中学的林 杏贤发现,澳洲人的烧烤方式和我们不同,用的是铁板式的电炉,而 且最难得的是,公园里公用的烧烤炉,使用完之后会清理干净,方便 后来的人使用。   

九天的坎贝拉及悉尼的游学之旅,让团员们从不同方面了解澳洲。国大附中的成瑜晗总结这次旅程的经验时说:"这是很体验式的旅 游,我们亲身去爬洞穴、去探险、去参观、去交流,甚至还扮演澳洲 的历史人物,是很有教育意义的旅游方式。"   


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

day 1

Day 1 ^^ group photo!!! =)
cute cute post box @ changi airport!!!

Wooo!!! Went to airport at 9.30pm. wasn’t late!!! Haha. Took a group photo, and said byebye to dad. And while waiting to board, we saw this cute Post office car in the airport!!! You can buy postcards and stamps and send to your house. Hmmm. Inpired me.

And im with lanxin (of course) and two dunman high girls-hangyin and xiao zhou. We are in this group of 4 and well, we are just grouped together. Of course, we became very good friends later on. And then we took the plane!!! And I mistook it for A380 and was wondering why it was so small. Blur blur!!!! And after a long long flight, we reached Sydney. and we were supposed to buy our own lunch at the airport. And the girls shocked maye (our tour guide) by ordering: 1 2-slice sandwich, 1 salad for 12 ppl. And about 5 shakes and 3 yogurts shared between some of us. And what did the boys eat? Hungry jack full course meal, which is something like burger king, the largest size available in Singapore. And at the airport, I realized that the wheel on my luaggage went missing. Probably still in that plane now. SW 231 I think. And it gave me lots of trouble in the 9 days ahead, including a injured finger. And so we transferred flight and went to Canberra, on a 45min trip.

And first place we stayed in is the Carotel motel, which isn’t very appealing on the outside to be honest, but ITS REALLY VERY RURAL AND REFRESHING!!!! Its like when I was young and I walked along the fields at my grandmother’s house. Which I totally liked.

Pictures of our motel.

And dinner: fish and chips specially cooked for us. =) After dinner, the girls said they wanted to play cards IN OUR ROOM????? And then one minute there were 12 ppl and the next they were all gone. And while waiting I fell asleep on lanxin’s bed (I was supposed to sleep at the upper deck, my apologies lannie), with my clothes specs everything all on. And on top of the blanket. At 8pm. Turned out that it was the only day when I had proper sleep. =) And at 2am I woke up shivering and wondering why everyone had blanket except me, and it was then I realized that I was sleep ON TOP OF IT, which has the same colour as the bedsheets. And there goes my first day.

3rd day--Birrigai, Parliament House, Australia Institute of Sport

2nd day --National Museum, NASA, Birrigai

2nd day --National Museum, NASA, Birrigai
real stardust!!! @ NASA
a moon rock. apparently they have a lot at the moon, but theres only one @ NASA, australia.

8th day

8th day

Had Maggy mee for breakfast!!!!! Wow the Maggie mee sure tastes BAD. China ones taste the best!!! Woohoo!!!!!! I don’t like Australia mees. So I resorted to cereals, which I vowed not to eat at all.

Then we took a 1 1/2 hour ride to the Jenolan caves, which is the highlight of the day!! And the highlights of the whole trip as well. Wince they sponsored our whole trip I guess it’s all right to write hao yi dian for them in the articles. Which unfortunately I had volunteered to do so as well, along with the A380. I always seem to choose the weirdest topics. As usual.

And I took some nice photos on the way to jenolan. The rest of the time spent stoning. Did I fall asleep? I’m not sure. Maybe. But I definitely don’t remember. I think towards the end I dozed off a bit. Like usual. I always sleep when its time to wake up. >.< but the photos are nice nicey!!!!!! Oooooo I like them….

And so we reached. As we had a grand draw lot ceremeony while eating mee in the morning, im proud to announce that I’m in for the plug hole!!!!! If you don’t know what that is, that’s too bad. Cos that’s the best thing you’d want to do!!!!!!!! And the coolest activity too. Like the 冒险王 show you always see on TV. Just like that type of activity.

So the reason its called plug hole is because its like a plug hole. You know, the sink you had in your house? First, the garbage and dirty water rushes in from the big open sink, then they go through the plug-hole, then enters a long tube, then the S-tube, then more long tubes and finally out of the sink territory and into the grand pipe. Which is exactly what we did.

First, put on harness and get down the hole from a rope. Forgot what that’s called, but you should know. Just watch the TV. You kick and swing and step onto the rocks and slide down. Sth like that.

Then, we went through a series of tunnels, holes, rocks, more rocks, more holes which are too small for us to BELIEVE that we can actually squeeze through, until the guide (who resembles santa claus) demo-ed to us. And so we squeezed some more, crawled like worms and TADA!!!! Slide down more slopes. Come to think of it, it really closely resembles a sink. The pipes and everything.

And on the way, we saw a squid fossil in the rock, and some words written by the ppl in the 19th century, about 150 years ago. Cool! To think how they managed to get out in the end, with candle light the stuff. (we got head lamps on our helmets you see, and we look like we work in the mines +))

And then more rocks and tiny weeneey holes to go through!!! Its really hard to describe, and I don’t have enough photos here. Haiz. Didn’t bring camera along. Anyway, there was a moment when the guide asked me to stretch my legs to reach a rock that’s like 1.5m away from me??? With each leg on one rock, and by that time cos im so short I had no choice but to let myself float on air while my other two hands held desperately to the two rocks which I could grab. And phew!!! I slided/floated/zoomed over to the other side. And these things happened a lot.

And we finished the whole adventure in about 2 or 3 hours, going 100m underground. If you really want to be fast I think you could try free-fall down, but you wouldn’t want to be tied to a rope and hung in mid air and get ppl to pull you up in the end. At least that’s what happened to some adventurers in the 1800s.

And because jenolan is also high up in the mountains, my ears hurt a lot as we came down.

Cos we were so late we were late for the Olympics park tour, since the but takes 2 ½ hours to travel back to Sydney. And so we had a tour on the bus instead. But its still quite fun la, and with the nice sceneries and everything.
Dinner: at Chinatown in a restaurant!!! Chinese food!!!! Mmmm you’d love Chinese food if you keep on eating fries steaks etc for days.

7th day.

5th day

4th day
9th day. Last day.
We had partied until 2am the night before. I mean, 2am in the morning. Watching nodame cantabile most of the time and half sleeping. And the lime flavoured chips that hangyin picked out for me is really nice, just that if you eat too much (like me who finished half a packet the size of a humongous lays chips), you end up getting gastric pain. Due to the lime acid I guess.
And on 2am, Yuhan fell onto my bed (lying horizontally) and is proclaimed as immobile. That is, no matter how much I called and poked, she refused to wake up and tell me how to load the photos into my memory card, which was what I was doing at 2am.

And being the last day, everyone felt somewhat sad and so we resolved to taking a huge amount of pictures (and yawning at the same time). Anyway, we were taken to the Paddy’s market to do our last minute shopping, and to my horror, I found out that all the goods were SO MUCH CHEAPER than what we had bought during the previous few nights. Conclusion: I had spent at least $10-$15 extra just buying goods outside. T.T
Does it look like a shopping centre? =)

Anyway, before we went to paddy’s market, we were taken to the Queen Victoria’s shopping centre (is that what it’s called?) to take photos, since according to renyu, not been to the queen V shopping centre would make us regret. That’s not his exact words but that’s what I interpreted anyway. Still, although we had barely time to shop cos we were walking ever so slowly like senior citizens, I think the Q.V. shopping centre is SO NICE!!!!! =) better than the vivo anyway. And certainly more glam than the AMK hub.

And then we went to THE ROCKS. It is the first place in Sydney where ppl settled there, along the beautiful river where the famous darling bridge, Sydney opera house and many more shared its home. MORE SHOPPING!!! Though I only bought a gigantic strawberry-dipped-in-choco. And stamps. And we were 搭讪-ed by two weird ppl who looked like Sydney locals with golden hair who asked us if we want a helicopter ride with them. To which we replied by simply running away. Haha.
And then we went to the fish market to settle our own lunch. And my stomach responded by telling me that it has to appetite at all and is not moved by the lobsters cockles shells fish and crabs which were sold at unbelievable low prices. *(#@*. My stomach sure knows when to eat and when not to eat.

And after that we went to the airport to spend our last 8 hours. The fact that it’s a A380 does not seem to lift our mood either, and so we took more photos, and vowed that we shall not sleep at all and shall watch movies all day. I think only yuhan managed to do that, considering that she finished 6 episodes of hwang jini. And me only a pathetic 1 ½, and the rest of the time spent crazying over the cute guy in hwang jini, me and yuhan, like two hua chi. That is probably the only time you see lingxuan doing that. Too bad you missed it. What a sight.
A380. sorry for the blur photos. im holding in one hand and trying to take while there're like ppl squeezing past me.

I miss the ppl and the sights in Canberra. But I must say that it’s a wonderful experience and that pardon me for repeating for the nth time, but it’s a once in a life time experience, really.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm back!~!!!!!!! ^^
loved the australia trip!!!
made a lot of friends!!! hangyin yuhan(doudou) maojia(maomao) xiaozhou xinyi wenyi and more!!! lanxin of course!!!! it's really a once in a life time experience and i missed it. the trip and the frens.

somehow its very different from nanyang. life and ppl. i felt like i'm a different person there. like more outgoing and healthier (as in, my health). for the first time i could clench my fist together really really tight. which is what i couldnt do for one year now.

sadly though, from the moment i come back ihad been sick and now my voice is gone too. tomorrow when i go for choir i will sit at the back again...hehehe. >.< not that i like it. but with two songs to learn i dun think i can do a good job anyway.

and i'm already missing the frens now!!!!!!!! 555555555........ and now i'm watching nodame cantabile like crazy and rewatching and rewatching and rewatching cos it reminds me of the good times i had with them in australia...wawawa watching until 2am!!!!! hahaha the good life we'd had.

now i have three urgent projects/jobs undone and had to be solved like by tomorrow. chionging now!!!!!!

photos to be updated. when i had recovered the photos that yuhan gave me in my memory card. and when i stop coughing and sneezing every few seconds.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wooooo!!!! Flying off to Australia tomorrow. Technically speaking, it's Friday morning. Finally, I'm proud to say, "Byebye school!!!"

Monday, November 3, 2008



不会痛 不会痛
放大的瞳孔 就像作梦
很温暖 很包容
这是致命的冲动 你不懂
因为爱 还是未知的未来

锁进来 进来 这美丽的悲哀
这是爱 就是爱
锁进来 进来 这美丽的悲哀
这是爱 就是爱 只有你明白 
i think that i have to write for zaobao after i come back. so i probably wont write on blog. cos I'll be so overloaded with info and so groggy with all the writing that I wont be able to stand it.

anyway, here's our itinerary. (for photos, go to lanxin's blog).

basically, we are staying in 7 (or 6) hotels in 9 days. wow. so which means NO UNPACKING!!!!

Day1: (fri 7th nov)

(9.30pm on 6th nov): S'pore changi Terminal 3.

0030: on board A380. 8 hour flight i think.

3.25pm (australia time, which is 12.25pm s'pore time)
transfer to domestic terminal for flight QF771 to Canberra
lunch at domestic terminal.

on arrival in canberra, transfer to canberra carotel motel& caravan park for overnight stay.

dinner at canberra carotel.
day 2:(sat, 8 nov)
national museum of australia.
canberra deep space-deep space tracking station
birrigai outdoor education centre(its in a national park)

parliament house (if parliament in session , can see the members in action!!! live!!!)
old parliament house
questacon--science and technology centre
australian institute of sport (going to get autographs!!!)

day 4:
australian war memorial
Mt Ainslie lookout
coach tour of embassy district of canberra
CSIRO discovery centre & the green machine

depart for canberra airport
depart for sydney
arrive at sydney
check in at hotel (yay!!! this is the hotel that we are actually going to stay for more than 1 night!)
dinner at emperor's garden

day 5:
sydney opera house
bangabaoui: aboriginal cultural harbour cruise
australian museum

day 6:
sydney aquarium
sydney wildlife world
cockatoo island (convicts stayed there before!!!) --not in sydney
powerhouse museum (mmm!!! full of physics!!!)

day 7:
the edge cinema--watch the edge movie (6 storey high cinema screen!!!)
echo point (this is in the blue mountains. for more info, go to our australian travel blog!)
scenic world--cableway, skyway, railway + heritage walk (again, go to blog)
blue mountains YHA
glow worm tunnel walk

day 8:
jenolan caves!!! woooooooo
back to sydney
sydney olympic park

day 9: (last day)
paddy's market (1hr)---our very 1st shopping time! plan early what to buy 1hr not enough!!!
The rocks--handicraft market!!!

depart for sydney international airport
1655(1355 s'pore time) fly!!!
2150 home sweet home

as you can see, we dont have much shopping time. the only slot is for handicraft and seafood market. so byebye nougats and choco and sweets!!!! (tong its not my fault).

will do research on australia now. photos maybe. depends on my mood haha.

anyway, just scooped some pics from lanxin's blog. (pls say you dont mind).

reading Lanxin's blog just now motivated me to do my australia research. finally.

my room's in a mess, cos i've skrewing all the clothes i can find into the luaggage. considering the fact that we probably dont have much time for shopping, and that I'm never going to see a supermarket there, chances of buying naugats and chocos are next to zero. which means I have lots of room for my clothes!!!!


Sunday, November 2, 2008

at home slacking...

right. i know that im supposed to do research on my australia trip. or sign up for the pilot class. or register for dance.

but the thing is, im so tired that i just want to sit here and stone.

and tomorrow got choir. singing the frog song?

I bought a nice blouse yesterday!!! its very pretty!!!

and haha, my dad was like:

(lifting it up): how do you wear this?
Me: i dunno...
D: so you bought it home not knowing how to wear it?
Me: just wear it lor! its just that I dunno how to tie the strings together at the back so its in a very funny shape.
D: oh!!!
Me: ?!
D: oh, i didnt see the sleeves.
D: i thought its a skirt.

but then, you cant blame my dad. it took me a grand 10min to find out how to hang it without letting it drop to the floor everytime. it DOES look like a skirt.

and yeah, in preparation for my trip, i 挥霍了 $60 yesterday. no, $70, plus that botak hair cut i got.

i look like a boy.

Friday, October 31, 2008

at home slacking...

the first batch of the Global Classroom programme ppl are leaving tonight. they are probably at the airport now.

Red nails

I painted my fingernails Red.
yeah. in this shade.
and i've already painted my toenails red too. 2 weeks ago.
I look like some bimbo. haha.

and I realised that I'm actually eating pepper, winter melon, mushrooms, beans, the lotus root thing, bean sprouts, and drinking soup now. maybe tomorrow I will discover that I actually eat bitter melon too. Which i swear i'll never eat.

I think i've grown a lot these days. not literally. i mean, more boring, like an adult. wooohoooo!!!

and so there goes my red nails.

to match it, I'm wearing a pink blouse, pink pants, and pink slippers when i went to buy dinner just now.
This is our class photo!!!
taken on the last day of sec 3. 31st october 2008.
Actually, we'll still be in the same class next year.
=D i like that.
P.S. as usual, my head looks big with that haircut.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

below is my schedule.

5.50am: wake up (and thought that its saturday and that school is over. ok, i didnt even hear the alarm. i thought its some music in my dreams. how pathetic.)

6.30am: on the bus to NY. during the journey which as usual, i slept like a pig. and knocked my head on the emergency exit handle two times on my temple, and hit the back of my head once.

7.00am: reached NY.

7.30am: flag raising. saw a never-ending long line of students queuing up to receive prizes.

7.45am: spring cleaning. (i mean, cleaning). slipped away with gengyu and yanqi to check for SMP results. GOT IN!!! =D

7.50am: cont' cleaning. and after that i realised that the fruit basket meant for ms chen is gone.

9.45am: level closure. which i saw myself in an OBS photo, cooking sth. (i think its on the fourth day) do i look so old with long hair?

10.30am: break. ate beef don, bu couldnt finish it. since when had i been incapable of finishing food?

11.30am:class closure. issue of report books. photocopy of results for SMP. stoned for the rest of the time.

12.30p: sneaked out of the class and came to library. after 1/2 hour of fruitless searching, i came to the com and started blogging.

1.00pm: class supposed to go for global classroom programme briefing. since i have none...

2.00pm(now): blogging. will go for choir prac at 2.30pm. hopefully they can release us ON TIME for once. you know, last day of school and all. i dont want to reach home in darkness again.

above is my routine of the day. and this has been the same for the whole week.
now you understand why i sound so sad and depressed.
looking at a pretty looking salad (made by our class in the salad making competition). and thinking about the process during which the salad was made.

Me: 知道什么是艺术吗?
Qianying: ......
Qianying: "'

Monday, October 27, 2008

so to get rid of my depressness (sorry, depression), i resorted to reading tong's email. when she still had internet access and wrote emails.

We went shopping and all that the next day. We went to the book shop which is like, 7 floors high and some other places. It was very nice!!! I bought books, but due to the lack of money, I did not buy more. I shall buy 1 or 2 for you okay :) The ones I bought were very nice :D But I didnt really see many Rao Xue Man's books leh. It was so saddening. Sigh.

WOW. i want to go china for 3 months like tong. instead of australia.

not that australia is bad. but there are so many rules. and PLUS I have to write articles for lian he zao bao after i come back. Even though i scored surpringly very high and made a li4 shi3 xin1 gao1 for my chi paper 1, you know, writing has never been my thing. the australia trip competition nearly killed me. And did i mention that i didnt sleep until 1am for nth night? and yeah now that i got the prize ppl think it seems so easy. well, i guess it should be, if you havent gone to austria for some choir competition, come back with a jet lag after travelling for 19 hours, couldnt sleep for days and had BLOCKS to prepare immediately, since the first day of school is the exam? AND that the teachers DIDNT exempt us from taking the hecking IH paper even though the band ppl are exempted? and that after the blocks we have to chiong 10 days of undone homework + making up for all the missed lessons? cos on my first day of lessons i couldnt understand a single thing about trigo and had no idea why 180 degrees is pie? yeah right.

sorry. the above comments are not specific to anyone. im just rambling and trying to vent my frustrations. after all, im a sec 3 Nanyang girl who's stressed like anybody else.

btw, i just cooked lunch, washed 2 days of dishes, and mopped the whole house. i want my mum.
Humpth. I suddenly got very depressed thinking about my results. Ok. look, i already sorta expected it before i even took the exam, since these marks all met the expectation. Bottom of the range though.

and without the stupid jap which took me a month to prepare, I could have done better in Lang Arts. then i could have gotten A1 for everything. Ewwww.......
I'm bored...surprisingly, having nothing to do felt worse than EOY. I'd rather have the exams...then i can retake and do better haha.

anyway, i'm reading this 林语堂 book called 《京华烟云》。 it sounded like some stupid love story with the pink book cover and all. only turned out that it was a series of stories happening qing-->post qing--> republic of china--> kang ri. still its kinda nice and reminded me of 《红楼梦》, which i happened to like a lot.


i saw this 宋词 while roaming aimlessly online and I LIKE IT ALOT!!! haha i dont really get the meaning though. but still here's the poem:

庭院深深深几许,杨柳堆烟,帘幕无重数。玉勒雕鞍游冶处,楼高不见章台路。 雨横风狂三月暮,门掩黄昏,无计留春住。泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。

and while reading Laura's blog i saw this poem which i happened to like as well. cheers honey! we have another thing in common!

Ode to a toilet
by Tamzin Merchant
I’ve never failed to notice how
Loos are generally excluded
From literature and suchlike,
And so I have concluded:

In general, as a Nation, we
Refrain from using ‘poo’ or ‘pee’
As a legitimate and pressing plight
For characters to exit downstage right

For when did Superman ever say
“Just a sec, love, don’t go away,
Hang on that ledge another mo
Coz when you gotta go, you gotta go!”

Likewise, Shakespeare never proclaim’d
“The human psyche is thus maim’d,
When one hath many things to do,
One always just pops to the loo.”

Caesar never said during orations
“Hang on there, plebs, hold your stations
Your imperial highness will be back in a bit
But just right now, I’m off to the Pit.”

Harry Potter and Friends don’t have time to poo,
Cos they’re always fighting You-Know-Who
They’re far too busy with that three-headed dog
To have time to pay a visit to the Bog.

And Frankenstein’s creature (so people thought)
Was never (lucky sod) caught short.
And so yours truly writes in conclusion:
There is a good deal of toilet confusion

Don’t be deceived by the characters you see
(From the Frodos to the Captain Cooks)
And here’s some advice to you from me:
Don’t believe everything you read in books.

Last but not least, according to my honey(haha):

(quoted from laura's blog again)
[Oh yes and by the way, Merchant was most famous for playing Georgiana Darcy in P&P (2005). She should be famous for this as well. ]

And need I mention that I TOTALLY agree with you?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just realise, isnt this the blogskin for 103-203 class blog?

OMG I'm having the same blogskin as my former class blog.

But whatever. I'm too tired to change it now.

P.S. this skin does not show titles. which suits me even better, since I'm too lazy to write one.

and, should I get a Suju blogskin?

marking days

Ok. I'm done with the Austria Pics.

I so hate the blogger picture posting system. It drives me bonkers. And to think that I thought I would never use it again since the horrible experience while doing the Australia Project.

Whatever. I guess I would have more to post after I go and come back.

Dont think about it now.

Anyway, after the horrendously stretchy long EOY what spans over 3 weeks (which actually makes up 3/4 of a month), I'm pleased to say that IT IS OVER and that I have survived, breathing and all.

So which makes a good time to go to the PSL camp.

Which is okay for me, since I'll have nothing to do at home anyway. I mean, I can't read recipe books, do sewing and play piano for the whole day right? (OMG that sounds SO like the life of a housewife.)

So off I went to the PSL camp, carrying $100 with me all the time. (OK, Jiamin would be pleased, or should I say, shocked? to know that I have used the SAMe tactic to keep my money as I did in Graz. I shall not tell you HOW I did it.)

and so for the first day we went along Singapore River for the amazing race and I almost got 'chao da' and heatstroke. Surprisingly I did not turn black this time (like the usual), but instead developed this huge gross patch of rashes on my arms.

And then we had what a PSL camp should have.

I almost thought that I could make it and go home happily at the second day, when we played this water game (AKA messy game by the EXCO) and while sliding on soap water, I slipped and fell (WHERE? on my bum of course). And to go with that I had quite a few bruises as well.

So I literally spent the next two days (that is, yesterday and today) lying on my bed.

Minus the baking-a-choco-cake part. and also buying-a-watch part. But then, my mum's leaving for China tonight (I think she's in Changi at this moment), so what can I do? being a filial daughter and all.

So this practically explains why I'm not at the airport crying at this time but blogging instead.

While lying on my bed, I suddenly had this idea that I SHOULD GO GET A BOYFRIEND AND GO OUT DATING. but the mere thought of having to go out and have a date made me take back my wish immediately.

I mean, after that date (or maybe a few dates), what else can I ( we) do? break up? probably. and that would make the end of my first love. haha.

In Vienna...(Still in Austria, though=)

And these are taken in Vienna. I couldnt remember what are the buildings though. Got to check it out yourself.
And btw that muddy looking river is the Danube. According to the tour guide, it's supposed to be blue. but then there were the heavy storm before that so it kinda got flooded and became muddy. What a waste.