Monday, June 13, 2011

I was drinking coke and suddenly thought of a very funny incident that Nana recounted to me.

... ...
Hua and Na were queuing up at the canteen to buy the fried chicken. Considering that we have break at 12 noon on Thursday, the fried chicken, unfortunately, was sold out.

Hua: *Shaking Nana's shoulders madly* 卖完了卖完了!炸鸡排卖完了!awwww *shake shake shake*
Nana: @@@@@@
Mr Lo (standing behind the two of them): what's 卖完了?

Wencong: 卖完了means sold out...
Mr Lo: I know what's 卖完了!I'm asking what has 卖完了?
Hua: *无比怨恨* Fried Chicken...
Mr Lo: *calmly bought a packet of popcorn chicken and walked away*

Thanks people, for bringing laughter and joy to me (and the clique) every day. Sometimes life's really hard with the never ending tutorials and the often less-than-perfect grades, but because you all are here that I can welcome each day with a BIG smile and sometimes even choke on coffee cos I was laughing too hard. Hardly a day goes by without us laughing non-stop, I think half the guys in the class thought that we (or I) are crazy cos we laugh so much.

JC life has been full of ups and downs, and sometimes I think that I am really a failure cos I can't perform to my expectations. And sometimes I think that life would be a hell lot better if I had gone for SMTP instead; even if I dont get in I would still probably get into a very good physics class like the rest of my former classmates did. I mean, I was the highest scorer in physics other than the scholars and xin hui! haha:p

In other classes the mugger-ness would have been stronger and I being the slack one would be pushed and still perform at the upper 50th percentile of the class. But I have never regretted that I took CLEP and came to s67, because I met the whole gang of you and I have enjoyed fun more than ever. I have always said that people who still have the guts to take Chinese Lit at JC are not conventional persons and they are definitely not normal; perhaps it is because of this that we are able to glue together so well! The bond that we share is not matched by any other class and we certainly do not clique together cos we have to clique, *ahem like some people haha*.

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