Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cooking? cooking!

As promised, here is my first cooking done after the A levels!


I put in two HUGE potatoes but there was only one tomato in the fridge. So yepp that explains the lack of red in the photo, cos the tomato literally disappeared. The red piece in the photo is 朝天椒 by the way.

Ingredients: Potatoes, tomamotoes, 朝天椒 (the red stubby chilli that is extremely spicy), garlic, onion, oil
Procedure: Stir-fry in anyway you like :)


Ingredients: 挂面(no idea what it's called in English because it has always been called "挂面" in my house), 榨菜(it's called Sichuan veg, cos it originated from Sichuan according to Baidu), minced meat, dark soya sauce, rice vinegar, Shaoxing wine, chilli oil (just pour hot oil over chilli and you get chilli oil), ginger, leek, salt, sugar
Procedure: Anyone with some elementary level cooking skills should be able to figure out

I cooked the first dish for lunch and the noodles for dinner. My parents started the spring cleaning today and I was the only one free so I volunteered to cook! XD Finished my room's cleaning right after A levels muahahaha

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I know that the title is funny, cos year 2011 is coming to an end and I'm recapping on last year's events, but I feel that I should take down some of the memorable events that happened in JC before I forget.

Just to sidetrack a bit, I remembered that when I was in Secondary 4 back in Nanyang, I was dying to go cross the road and go to Hwa Chong. I might have mentioned it in my previous posts, but I deliberately surpressed myself in secondary school to be more humble/less agitated/more forgiving/listen more and as a result, basically hid behind my spectacles and bushy hair. I didn't showcase my strengths and potentials in front of others, and of course wasn't given given recognition for the things that I did. Which--I think, was a mistake I made in secondary school. Life would have been a whole lot different if I had been more outgoing and relaxed.

Oh well, I can't relive those 4 years so I shan't complain. I eagerly awaited for JC life to start.

To the surprise of many (and myself), I chose to enter the Chinese Language Elective Programme after hearing a terrible 30min speech given by the CLEP seniors in Hwa Chong. It was after the HCL O'level exams, and despite the speech being all terrible and lousy, I made the decision to study CLEP instead of Econs, which 33/36 of my classmates did, I think. Even though some people thought that it was natural for me to take this programme (after all my Chinese is not that bad haha), I think that was the defining moment of my life, and possibly the 3rd (and last) sensible thing I did in Nanyang. [The 1st was to join Choir, the 2nd to take triple science and get into class 301] Prior to that talk, I never even thought for the slightest bit of studying literature. Chinese literature, somemore. Ironic as it seems for someone who easily passed with flying colours for HCL but struggled to get an A for English, I could read Shakespare with ease but couldn't understand Li Bai.

So I went to Hwa Chong, and decided to revamp myself. Four years of self-surpression seemed enough to me to ditch my high-profile, arrogant character that I once possessed when I was a snobbish kid in primary school, and it was time for me to regain that "Kancheong-ness" and show my true abilities. I decided to actively take part in class activities (something that I forced myself not to do for the previous four years), and the rest just followed.

Orientation passed quickly, CNY went in a breeze, and I found myself pulled into a cat fight to vie for the fac comm position. It was the first time I was involved in a political struggle, abeit a small one, and I must say that my first term in HC went a bit more miserable and tensed than I would have liked. That was a good exercise for me though, as I realised in the following months how it tiring it was to be fighting with others for a specific position.

Then there was a series of events!! Fac Outings, Fac CIP, LEP Publication (omg I could write one book on it), various interviews and of course, Emceeing for MOE forum and Awards Presentation Day. Some of these activities were really enjoyable while others taught me how to "在哪里跌倒就在哪里站起来". There were moments of highness and at times moments of low, and I hope that I have grown and become more poised and mature as a result.

Then came end-of-years, and then the holidays, when I embarked on a 2-month trip to Japan, Beijing, Shanghai and Kunming. [Did I really go to that many places??]

Monday, December 5, 2011


我要开始学做菜了!敬请期待吧…… ^^



Friday, December 2, 2011

Post A's

A levels officially ends today. In fact, my last exam ended on Tuesday, a stormy afternoon.

It's barely three days after the end of my exam, but so many things have happened that it felt like one month.

Two interviews (with one coming tomorrow evening), two upcoming tests, two personal statements finished for university application, and many more to be completed before the end of this month. All these on top of the (almost) daily emails that I receive regarding my university application results.


It is not so much about the amount of work that I have to do, but after duelling with three whole months of exams and preparations, I really want a break. Yet now I just feel that I have been dragged into another round of assessments.

I know that some people would say that I brought these upon myself. I can totally imagine their faces when they think "Who ask you to do all these huh?" But hey, this is my own blog, and while I do exercise self-censorship and refrain from making any remarks that can pose harm to other groups of people, I can still grumble and complain on my own territory right! Besides, I don't think anyone will be reading my blog, so haha. This post is dedicated to leash out my frustrations.

I think I am just frustrated at myself for not being efficient enough and failing to possess the ability to RELAX. I know that I should take everything a step at a time, and eventually everything will sort themselves out.

After tomorrow evening, I am going to go out, have some light shopping, and regain my optimistic and energetic self.